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Screenshot 2023-10-06 at 17.13.45.png
The FX tab contains 2 timebased effects: modulator and delay

MOD - the centered label is also the on/off switch of this modulator
CHORUS/ROTOR/PHASER - choose between a chorus and a rotating speaker sim.
BLEND - mixes the dry signal with the modulated signal. The mix of 50% gives the most rich sound.
FREQ - speed with which the modulator delay changes.
DEPTH - how much time the modulator is using at the max.
STEREO - chorus: phase difference between l & R rotor: depth of stereo phaser: speed difference between L & R
FEEDBACK - feedback in a delayed signal leads to colorisation, which with changing time constants leads to a bit of caleidoscopic flavour.
CENTER - center frequency for the phaser

DELAY - the centered label is also the on/off switch of this delay
LEVEL - mixlevel
REPEATS - repeats ( multiple playhead emulation)
TIME - delay time in milliseconds
FEEDBACK - determines how many repeats you get
TONE - a bandpass filter to colorise the delayed tone..
Q - ..the severness of this colorisation. Keep  this at 0 for straight delays. the colorisation is incremental with every repeat of the delay: this is used to get a bit of oldschool delay flavour
SYNC here you can sync to the BPM that is declared in the SETUP tab, which can also be the host BPM.
OFF - uses the TIME knob, other positions are based upon the master BPM.
X 1.5 makes the SYN knob use a dotted time, 1.5 times longer than the BPM note.
Setting 1/2 is half a quarter note, which is an eight note
Setting 1/3 is fit for 12/8 in a 4/4

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 20.22.17.png

To avoid confusion at forehand: this is not trying to be a tube guitaramp!
For guitarsynths, fullfledged tubeamp emulations are often way too thick, the aim from this amp is to be fully transparent when needed: the polyphonic waveshaper can create a lot of extra harmonics, the amps should be able to handle this without adding too much extra.

The ENV/CC chooser selects the source of automation. ENV is the clean guitar envelop from the input.
** The 2 versions are optimised for auto filter use: when you hear crackles using the normal filters, please try the 2 versions **

GAIN - is the depth of the filter when in Bandpass/Bandpass2 mode-
FREQ - the default cutoff frequency
RESO - the resonance of the filter

SENSE  - is used for setting the sensivitiy for the ENV/ENV2 sources.
ATTACK - is the speed of reaction.t
FREQ  - target cutoff frequency

Now the botton row with the normal amp section:
LOW CUT - highpass filter, the displayed numbers are midinotes. 28-Bassguitar low E', 40-guitar low E. Note that for leads, often a very high LOW CUT is used in productions, to focus the guitar more into a violin range. Same goes for acoustic guitars!
MID - this 800hz "mid scoop" is a typical feature of electric guitaramps.
GATE - A simple noisegate
GAIN - GAIN pumps up the volume until it limits, so this is a 1 knob sustainer
OVERDRIVE - Symmetric waveshaping clipper, adding odd harmonics.
SQUEEL - Assymetric waveshaper, adds even harmonics.
ATTACK - Automically adds smooth attacks when you silence the guitar a bit before plucking a new note. this is the classic mono version of the polyphonic ATTACK knob in the shaper: it is however not obsolete because of that. A classic attack knob like this is sometimes more suitable, especially for legato playing.
TONE - A simple treble knob

COMP->DRIVE - in this mode you get the max sustain with a more constant edge of the overdrive
DRIVE->COMP - in this mode you get more dynamics with a more dynamic edge of the overdrive
First tab is SHAPER

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 20.41.10.png

BLEND -  blends the dry guitarsignal with the synth signal: the output is send to the AMP
TRESHOLD - this is not a normal gate, it is a spectral gate, meaning every frequency component indivdually has to cross the treshold to be heard.

PRESERVE is for the shifter to preserve the original spectral shape, it is a simple "formant preserve" function. So if you shift down an octave, with hx off, preserve will make it brighter
ATTACK - this knob can slow down the attack, for every frequency component independently
OCT - pitches the whole spectrum in octave steps
PITCH - pitches the whole spectrum in halfnote steps
DROP - splits the spectrum into 2 parts: the lower part is dropped ("lowered") 1 octave. There is a 1 octave transition zone to provide smoothness at the drop border.
DOUBLER - The doubler has 3 modes:
1) DOUBLER  - The Doubler knob has fifths and octaves with varying degrees of detune.
2) OVERTONE  - The X knob chooses the overtone.
3) Harmonisers (12 keys)  - The HARM knob chooses from a ascending range of chordal notes within the current key. The chord range is a simple root-third-fifth structure.
-The MIX knob allways rules the volume of this extra voice.
-The positon in the stereo image is determined by SPREAD (see SPACE tab) and the stereo setting there.
-Setting AMP to QUATRO will give the doubled voice a separate amp! In DOUBLE mode the 2 shaper voices share 1 amp, in SINGLE mode normal guitar and shaper voices are mixed mono before being fed into 1 stereo amp.

Now we get to the additive synthesis part:
HX OFF - no extra harmonics are added. You basically hear a representation of your normal guitar.
SAW - adds all multiples of the source frequency components.
SQUARE - adds odd multiples of the source frequency components.
BRIGHT - adds even multiples of the source frequency components.

The level of the added harmonics are ruled by a filtering scheme:
LP  - (Low Pass) the harmonics are added from 0 up to the cutoff frequency.
HP - (High Pass) the harmonics are added from cutoff frequency onward.
BP  - (Band Pass) the harmonics are only added around the cutoff frequency.

+ORIG The filterschemes above can mute the sound. If you want to allways have the original frequencies in the output, this knob will do just that!
FOCUSmakes the tone darker, focused on the root note. It is for getting the low notes darker.
RANGE - a lowpass for the seeds going into the harmonics generator.
SENSE - the sensitivity to the input: high sense will move the cutoff from MIN to MAX
ATTACK - the SENSE envelop can be slowed doen here to create interesting attack filter effects.
MIN - this is the rest position of the cuttof. If SENSE is 0, this will 100% determine the cutoff position. (Note that REMOTE/Filter uses this as min too!)
MAX - This is the MAX position which can be reached by SENSE. (Note that REMOTE/Filter uses this as a max too!)
RESONANCE - In LP and HP mode, this determines the height of the bulge at the cutoff frequency. In BP mode there is only this bulge, so it will work there as a pure volume for the filtered harmonics.
TONE - The added harmonics can be much brighter than your guitar. Therefore this knob can tone down the synthy sound. Note that the +ORIG knob's original spectrum contribution will be not affected by this. This means you can have bright guitar, filled in by synth in the lower frequencies.

At last, but not least, there is the dynamic modulation section:
OFF - no dynamic modulation
TREM - a tremolo with depth DEPTH, speed FREQ. The ATTACK above 0 will postpone the effect on newly plucked sound. ATTACK below 0 will only use the effect on newly p lucked sound.
DETUNE - A detune with 1 octave max DEPTH. The ATTACK above 0 will start the note at a lower point to glide into the normal frequency. ATTACK below 0 will glide in from above.
VIB - a stereo vibrato with depth DEPTH, speed FREQ. The ATTACK above 0 will postpone the effect on newly plucked sound. ATTACK below 0 will only use the effect on newly p lucked sound.
Demos with on screen presets / Fluteway to heaven
Last post by PDFX - Jan 21, 2023, 12:23 PM
Preset 1, Fluteway to heaven
For those who missed the hint in the name ;)
Got an anonymous feedback about being stuck in config screen:
If you are stuck in Space Guitar's config window (standalone), it is because the audio settings are not compatible.
This is like 99,9% of the case with bleutooth headsets.
The current beta version 1.3.41 does not ignore bleutooth audio, so you have to turn of the headset or bleutooth.
Demos with on screen presets / Colourfull Jazzblues
Last post by PDFX - Jan 16, 2023, 12:45 PM
A little live jam with PD Space Guitar 1.3.42 BETA.
the adaptive rotor and amp attack give a great playfeel
Demos with on screen presets / Sometimes I get funky
Last post by PDFX - Jan 08, 2023, 09:14 PM
PD Space Guitar 2: what's new?
The tuning fork is allways there for you to tune your instrument: accuracy is 1%.
little nice feature: The ring on top of the tuner wobbles with the frequency you'd hear the wobble with the reference tone..

-Now there are 3 doubler modes: Doubler, Overtones and... intelligent Harmonisers!
the harmonisers use a simple 1 3 5 chord expansion over multiple octaves and can be automated via remote / ENV, which results in a nice auto arpeggiating frenzy.
The harmonisers plays one note from the chord row on the doubler channel.
-Trem is stronger now.
-Vibrato is now stereo, which is a great effect when attack is set to positive: it will make longer notes swim..

-there is now a CHROMATIC knob, that uses the tuning set in the SETUP tab

-The extra HX harmonics now have an inputrange RANGE: this works great to prevent getting too much overtones.

the AMP now has a multimode filter, with remote/ENV oparation. Auto-wah or by remotecontrol and more.
Sensitivy adjustable with indicator on screen.  Wackawacka!
SQUEEL adds even harmonics
ATTACK a classic slow gear function: great to have your guitarplucks hidden

The modulator now has a ROTOR mode. Note: the spread in amps governs the global pan width, so you have to adjust that too for best results! Let your inner Lachy Dooley out!
The delay now has multiple repeats and a tap tempo.

SWIPE EQ - a fullfledged 11 band equaliser with frequency response display. You can quickly draw a line over the knobs, hence the name..
CABINET and REVERB where already there, new are:
AMP setup: SINGLE, DUO or QUATRO.  SINGLE is the old setup with 1 amp and stereo fx.

FX setup: governs the processing order of MOD, AMP & DELAY
PSEUDO pseudo stereo can give big sounds with good mono compatibility.
LATENCY: added 5% for low latency voice application.
TUNING: determines the tuning for chromatic mode.

Reworked the remote system: In he 3 free assignable channels, both ENV's and CC's now have sensitivity and direction.
A great number of hidden app parameters can be assigned to your playing strength or midi input.

Reworked the HOLD function: now with indicators on screen and easy to use level control


1. MIDI PC is limited to 0-99
MIDI Program changes will be only work normally when in the range 0-99 (MIDI hardware PC number is 0 based, your controller may show 1-100..)

2. Small MIDI controller hack
MIDI PC's in range 100-109 (1 base controller: 101-110) will choose from the 10 current presets on SG screen. You only need to program your footcontroller's pedals once. This is ideal for MIDI controllers that have no bankswitch: e.g. you can have 4 switches with PC 100,101,102,103: These will engage the first 4 presets from the bank on screen.
Basically you can make a bank for your song, and the footswitch works as a songpart selector.
Bankchanges then ofcourse need to be done manually on screen.

3. Automatic Preset range clamping to current range
- An SG range is 100 presets
- incoming MIDI PC will clamp to the current SG preset range.
This allows for parallel changes in multiple SG instances, which is extremely usefull for doubleneck, stickplayers & stereo/hex setups.
E.g.: SG instance 1 is on 110, SG instance 2 is on 210
Now incoming MIDI PC 1 will switch SG instance 1 to 101, and SG instance 2 to 201

Demos with on screen presets / Remote control of BLEND
Last post by PDFX - Dec 03, 2022, 04:29 PM
Demos with on screen presets / Automatic backing chords on th...
Last post by PDFX - Dec 02, 2022, 08:46 PM