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Demos with on screen presets / Banjos in space
Last post by PDFX - Sep 26, 2022, 11:39 PM
Thank you Paul, here are a couple of links to the sound what I am looking for.......I understand that it is a different technology, but, who knows , we might get close with PD Space Guitar

Drop your questions/feedback here! / Re: FM Piano sound anyone ?
Last post by PDFX - Sep 26, 2022, 03:44 PM
nice the gig went well!
I dont exactly know which sounds are obtainable and which aren't.. FM synthesis however is typically not something that is likely to be mimickable with SG. But please send me a link to an example sound, then I can tell more.
Drop your questions/feedback here! / FM Piano sound anyone ?
Last post by bonanote - Sep 26, 2022, 02:51 PM
I am trying to get as close as possible to the sound of an FM piano ( Yamaha DX7 style), but with no success. Does anyone has an idea of how to get there ( what settings should I use ? ) . Actually I am not even sure that it can be done, but since the SpaceGuitar is so versatile and amazing .......why not try . Any help will be appreciated ........

(On another subject , saturday night I used Space Guitar on a live gig using one of the organ sounds to play Santana´s "Oye Como Va", went very well, greatly appreciated.)
Drop your questions/feedback here! / Re: Presets ?
Last post by bonanote - Sep 24, 2022, 05:45 AM
Thank you.
Demos with on screen presets / Fusion Lead tone
Last post by PDFX - Sep 24, 2022, 12:13 AM
I'm not a real fusion player, but I hope you catch my drift here ;)
Drop your questions/feedback here! / Re: Presets ?
Last post by PDFX - Sep 23, 2022, 07:58 PM
Quote from: bonanote on Sep 23, 2022, 06:37 PMHello Paul, I cannot seem to find in the manual nor in the app menus where are the User presets stored. I tried using the iPad Files app to find the folder where they are stored but with no success ( I was able to find the Factory presets.......or what I believe are the factory presets......but not the user ones). In any case , could you shed some light or additional info on where and how the presets are stored, and also if there is the possibility of shareing the presets amonst users. And finally, while we are on the subject , are there any plans to create a section on this forum to share presets amongst users. ( I know its a lot I am asking , but I haven't been able to figure this out). Thanks !!
Good question, let me answer:
-Only the presets from the standalone are available for sharing.
-In the filemanager, they are in On My iPad / PD Space Guitar / Presets

I'll make a dropspot here, but remember: currently only standalone can share.

Drop your questions/feedback here! / Presets ?
Last post by bonanote - Sep 23, 2022, 06:37 PM
Hello Paul, I cannot seem to find in the manual nor in the app menus where are the User presets stored. I tried using the iPad Files app to find the folder where they are stored but with no success ( I was able to find the Factory presets.......or what I believe are the factory presets......but not the user ones). In any case , could you shed some light or additional info on where and how the presets are stored, and also if there is the possibility of shareing the presets amonst users. And finally, while we are on the subject , are there any plans to create a section on this forum to share presets amongst users. ( I know its a lot I am asking , but I haven't been able to figure this out). Thanks !!
Drop your questions/feedback here! / Re: Irig 1
Last post by Brak(E)man - Sep 20, 2022, 05:59 PM
Quote from: Paul Driessen on Sep 20, 2022, 05:40 PMok thanks, please keep me informed about this!
For now I think it hasn't got anything to do with SG, but it is ofcourse important to know what's going on..

I think you're correct it's not SG , it seems to be a common issue after update.
I now confirmed that the input is coming from the built in microphone even when the headset (or irig) is connected.
Drop your questions/feedback here! / Re: Irig 1
Last post by PDFX - Sep 20, 2022, 05:40 PM
ok thanks, please keep me informed about this!
For now I think it hasn't got anything to do with SG, but it is ofcourse important to know what's going on..