2.0.49 and upward: ARPEGGIATOR

Started by PDFX, Jan 30, 2025, 08:35 PM

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The doubler voice, be it doubler, overtone or harmoniser, can be cycled from the root to the knob setting, in multiple fashions. To do that select a pattern from the ARP menu upper right in the SHAPER tab.
The arp's speed and sync is however on the SETUP page:
- ARP sets the speed in notes per beat (that means it is allways linked to the BPM!)
- SYNC When this sync is on, the arp pattern will be restarted every nth beat: For creative purposes, this is kept unlinked from your hosts bar setting.

TIP: The remote control Doubler ARP/Harmonic level combined with LFO will allow you to shape the envelop contour of every arp note. Note that the LFO PHASE and SHAPE then have great effect on the arp notes!
Also: If the LFO has 1/2 beat and ARP 1/1, then the LFO will make 2 beats with the same ARP note etc.

AMP filter : Local ENV
Sofar all ENV in SG was based on the level at the dry input: this ofcourse ignores all added contours from the fx. E.g. : an autowah then doesnt react to a DELAY or ARP in front of the filter! So I added Local ENV that will take the signal strength at the input of the filter. this also diversifies the guitar from the synth in double or quatro modes.
It will also stereo wobble stereo inputs!